The language extracted from the input variable <latex> is Python.
Based on the Go code example provided in the input variable <!DOCTYPE html><html>...</html>, below is the translated code and the explanation in Python, formatted in Markdown suitable for Hugo.
The following example demonstrates how to use struct-like objects in Python by leveraging classes. Classes in Python are a way to group data together to form records.
To run the program, save the code in a .py file and execute it using Python.
In this example:
We define a Person class with name and age fields.
new_person is a factory function that initializes a Person object with a given name and a default age of 42.
The if __name__ == "__main__": block allows the code to be run as a script and demonstrates the usage and initialization of Person objects.
An anonymous class is created using type for the Dog object to demonstrate dynamic class creation similar to anonymous structs in some languages.