Defer in Lisp

(defun main ()
  ;; Suppose we wanted to create a file, write to it,
  ;; and then close when we're done. Here's how we could
  ;; do that with unwind-protect.

  ;; Immediately after getting a file object with
  ;; create-file, we ensure the closing of that file
  ;; with close-file. This will be executed when the
  ;; control leaves the unwind-protect form, after
  ;; write-file has finished.
  (let ((f (create-file "/tmp/defer.txt")))
         (write-file f)
      (close-file f))))

(defun create-file (p)
  (format t "creating~%")
  (let ((f (open p :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)))
    (if (null f)
        (error "Failed to create file")

(defun write-file (f)
  (format t "writing~%")
  (format f "data~%"))

;; It's important to check for errors when closing a
;; file, even in a cleanup form.
(defun close-file (f)
  (format t "closing~%")
      (close f)
    (error (c)
      (format *error-output* "error: ~A~%" c)
      (uiop:quit 1))))

;; Running the program confirms that the file is closed
;; after being written.

;; $ sbcl --script defer.lisp
;; creating
;; writing
;; closing

In this Lisp translation, we use unwind-protect to mimic the behavior of Go’s defer. The unwind-protect macro ensures that its cleanup forms (in this case, closing the file) are executed when control leaves the protected form, whether normally or due to a non-local exit (like an error).

The create-file function opens a file for writing, write-file writes to it, and close-file closes it, handling any potential errors.

Note that Lisp doesn’t have a direct equivalent to Go’s defer, but unwind-protect provides similar functionality for resource management and cleanup. The handler-case macro is used for error handling in the close-file function, similar to how the Go version checks for errors when closing the file.

To run this Lisp program, you would typically save it to a file (e.g., defer.lisp) and then run it using a Lisp implementation like SBCL (Steel Bank Common Lisp):

$ sbcl --script defer.lisp

This demonstrates that the file operations occur in the expected order, with the file being closed after it’s written to, just like in the original Go example.