Sorting in Lisp

Our example demonstrates sorting in Lisp. We’ll look at sorting for built-in types first.

(defun main ()
  ;; Sorting functions in Lisp work for any sequence type that can be compared.
  ;; Here's an example of sorting strings:
  (let ((strs '("c" "a" "b")))
    (setq strs (sort strs #'string<))
    (format t "Strings: ~a~%" strs))

  ;; An example of sorting integers:
  (let ((ints '(7 2 4)))
    (setq ints (sort ints #'<))
    (format t "Ints:    ~a~%" ints))

  ;; We can also check if a list is already in sorted order.
  (let ((sorted (equal ints (sort (copy-list ints) #'<))))
    (format t "Sorted:  ~a~%" sorted)))


In Lisp, we use the sort function to sort sequences. The sort function takes two arguments: the sequence to be sorted and a comparison function.

For strings, we use #'string< as the comparison function, which compares strings lexicographically. For integers, we use #'<, which compares numbers.

To check if a list is sorted, we can compare the original list with a sorted copy of itself. We use copy-list to create a copy before sorting to avoid modifying the original list.

Note that sort in Lisp modifies the original sequence. If you want to preserve the original, you should make a copy before sorting.

When you run this program, you should see output similar to this:

Strings: (A B C)
Ints:    (2 4 7)
Sorted:  T

This demonstrates basic sorting operations in Lisp. The language provides powerful and flexible sorting capabilities that can be customized for various data types and sorting criteria.