String Formatting in Lisp
Our first program demonstrates string formatting in Lisp. Here’s the full source code with explanations:
(defpackage :string-formatting
(:use :cl))
(in-package :string-formatting)
(defstruct point
x y)
(defun main ()
;; Lisp offers several formatting options for different data types.
;; We'll use the format function to demonstrate these.
;; Formatting a struct
(let ((p (make-point :x 1 :y 2)))
(format t "struct1: ~a~%" p)
(format t "struct2: ~s~%" p))
;; Formatting types
(format t "type: ~a~%" (type-of (make-point :x 1 :y 2)))
;; Formatting booleans
(format t "bool: ~a~%" t)
;; Formatting integers
(format t "int: ~d~%" 123)
(format t "bin: ~b~%" 14)
(format t "char: ~c~%" #\!)
(format t "hex: ~x~%" 456)
;; Formatting floats
(format t "float1: ~f~%" 78.9)
(format t "float2: ~e~%" 123400000.0)
(format t "float3: ~E~%" 123400000.0)
;; Formatting strings
(format t "str1: ~a~%" "\"string\"")
(format t "str2: ~s~%" "\"string\"")
;; Formatting with width specifications
(format t "width1: |~6d|~6d|~%" 12 345)
(format t "width2: |~6,2f|~6,2f|~%" 1.2 3.45)
(format t "width3: |~6@<~,2f~>|~6@<~,2f~>|~%" 1.2 3.45)
(format t "width4: |~6a|~6a|~%" "foo" "b")
(format t "width5: |~6@<~a~>|~6@<~a~>|~%" "foo" "b")
;; Using format to return a string
(let ((s (format nil "format-to-string: a ~a" "string")))
(format t "~a~%" s))
;; Writing to a stream other than standard output
(with-open-file (stream "error.log" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
(format stream "io: an ~a~%" "error")))
To run the program, save it as string-formatting.lisp
and use your Lisp implementation to load and execute it. For example, with SBCL:
$ sbcl --script string-formatting.lisp
struct1: #S(POINT :X 1 :Y 2)
bool: T
int: 123
bin: 1110
char: !
hex: 1C8
float1: 78.9
float2: 1.234e8
float3: 1.234E8
str1: "string"
str2: "\"string\""
width1: | 12| 345|
width2: | 1.20| 3.45|
width3: |1.20 |3.45 |
width4: | foo| b|
width5: |foo |b |
format-to-string: a string
This example demonstrates various string formatting techniques in Lisp:
We use the
function for all our formatting needs. It’s a powerful and flexible function in Lisp.The
directive is used for aesthetic printing,~s
for standard printing (which includes quotes for strings), and~%
for newlines.For integers,
is used for decimal,~b
for binary,~c
for character, and~x
for hexadecimal representation.Floats can be formatted using
for fixed-point notation and~e
for exponential notation.Width specifications can be added to control the field width and precision. For example,
specifies a field width of 6 for integers.Left-justification can be achieved using the
function can write to different streams. By default, it writes tot
(standard output), but we can also write to files or strings.
This Lisp code provides equivalent functionality to the original Go example, demonstrating Lisp’s powerful string formatting capabilities.