Goroutines in Logo

Our example demonstrates the use of 🌐goroutines🌐 for concurrency in JavaScript. In JavaScript, we achieve concurrency using asynchronous functions and promises. Here’s how you can achieve similar functionality in JavaScript:

function f(from) {
    for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        console.log(from + ":", i);

// Calling the function directly and synchronously.

// Using setTimeout to simulate goroutines running concurrently.
setTimeout(() => f('goroutine'), 0);

// Using an immediately invoked function expression (IIFE) to simulate anonymous goroutine.
setTimeout(() => {
    (function(msg) {
}, 0);

// Wait for a second to let all asynchronous operations finish.
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);


  1. Direct Function Call


    This is a synchronous call to the function, similar to calling f(s) in a traditional way.

  2. Simulating Goroutines with setTimeout

    setTimeout(() => f('goroutine'), 0);

    JavaScript doesn’t have goroutines, but we can simulate concurrent execution using setTimeout, which schedules the function to run after the current call stack is clear.

  3. Anonymous Function Call

    setTimeout(() => {
        (function(msg) {
    }, 0);

    This simulates an anonymous function call that runs concurrently.

  4. Waiting for Functions to Complete

    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 1000);

    We use a delay with setTimeout to ensure that all asynchronous operations finish before printing “done”.

Running the Program

To run this code, put it in a JavaScript file (e.g., concurrency.js) and execute it with Node.js:

$ node concurrency.js

Expected Output:

direct : 0
direct : 1
direct : 2
goroutine : 0
goroutine : 1
goroutine : 2

Next, we’ll explore more about handling concurrency in JavaScript with Promises and async/await.


JavaScript concurrency is typically handled using its event loop, asynchronous functions, promises, and the newer async/await syntax. Our example uses setTimeout to mimic concurrent execution, but for more robust and real-world concurrency control, you would use these modern asynchronous programming features.