Our example demonstrates how to use Java’s ExecutorService and Future to simulate the behavior of select in concurrent operations. We’ll use these to wait on multiple asynchronous tasks.
In this example, we use Java’s concurrency utilities to simulate the behavior of select across two channels:
We create an ExecutorService with two threads.
We define two Callable tasks that sleep for different durations before returning a value, simulating blocking operations.
We submit these tasks to the executor and get a list of Future objects.
We use CompletableFuture.anyOf twice to wait for either of the tasks to complete, simulating the select behavior.
We print the results as they arrive.
To run the program:
Note that the total execution time is only about 2 seconds since both the 1 and 2 second sleeps execute concurrently.
This Java implementation provides similar functionality to the original example, using Java’s concurrency mechanisms to handle multiple asynchronous operations simultaneously.