Throughout program execution, we often want to create data that isn’t needed after the program exits. Temporary files and directories are useful for this purpose since they don’t pollute the file system over time.
To run the program:
In this Java version, we use the java.nio.file.Files class to create temporary files and directories. The createTempFile() and createTempDirectory() methods are used instead of the Go os.CreateTemp() and os.MkdirTemp() functions.
We use deleteOnExit() to ensure that temporary files and directories are deleted when the Java Virtual Machine terminates. This is similar to the defer os.Remove() calls in the original Go code.
For writing to files, we use Files.write() for the temporary file and FileOutputStream for the file in the temporary directory. These achieve the same result as the f.Write() and os.WriteFile() calls in Go.
The error handling is done using a try-catch block, which is more idiomatic in Java compared to the explicit error checking in Go.