Channel Directions in Lua

In Lua, we don’t have built-in channels like in some other languages. However, we can simulate similar behavior using coroutines and queues. Here’s an example that demonstrates a similar concept:

local queue = require("queue")

-- This `ping` function only sends values to a queue.
function ping(pings, msg)

-- The `pong` function receives from one queue and sends to another.
function pong(pings, pongs)
    local msg = pings:pop()

-- Main function to demonstrate the usage
function main()
    local pings =
    local pongs =
    ping(pings, "passed message")
    pong(pings, pongs)


When using queues as function parameters in Lua, we can’t specify if a queue is meant to only send or receive values as explicitly as in some other languages. However, we can follow conventions in our code to achieve similar behavior.

The ping function only pushes to the pings queue. It would be a logical error to try to receive from this queue within the ping function.

The pong function receives from the pings queue and sends to the pongs queue.

In the main function, we create two queues, send a message through the ping function, pass it through the pong function, and finally print the result.

To run this program, you would need to implement or use a queue library. Here’s a simple implementation of a queue that you could use:

local queue = {}
queue.__index = queue

    return setmetatable({first = 0, last = -1}, queue)

function queue:push(value)
    local last = self.last + 1
    self.last = last
    self[last] = value

function queue:pop()
    local first = self.first
    if first > self.last then error("queue is empty") end
    local value = self[first]
    self[first] = nil
    self.first = first + 1
    return value

return queue

Save this as queue.lua in the same directory as your main script.

To run the program:

$ lua your_script.lua
passed message

This example demonstrates how we can achieve similar functionality to channel directions in Lua using queues and following certain conventions in our code.