Channels in Lua

In Lua, we don’t have built-in channels or goroutines like in some other languages. However, we can simulate similar behavior using coroutines and a custom implementation of channels. Here’s an example of how we might implement a simple channel-like mechanism in Lua:

local function newChannel()
    local channel = {}
    local queue = {}
    local waitingThreads = {}

    function channel.send(value)
        if #waitingThreads > 0 then
            coroutine.resume(table.remove(waitingThreads, 1), value)
            table.insert(queue, value)

    function channel.receive()
        if #queue > 0 then
            return table.remove(queue, 1)
            table.insert(waitingThreads, coroutine.running())
            return coroutine.yield()

    return channel

-- Main function
local function main()
    -- Create a new channel
    local messages = newChannel()

    -- Send a value into the channel using a coroutine
    local sender = coroutine.create(function()

    -- Receive the value from the channel
    local msg = messages.receive()


In this Lua implementation:

  1. We create a newChannel function that returns a table with send and receive methods, simulating a channel.

  2. The main function creates a new channel called messages.

  3. We use a coroutine to send the “ping” message into the channel. This simulates the concurrent behavior of sending a message from a separate goroutine.

  4. We then receive the message from the channel using the receive method and print it.

When we run this program, the “ping” message is successfully passed from the sender coroutine to the main function via our simulated channel.

$ lua channels.lua

This implementation provides a basic simulation of channel-like behavior in Lua. However, it’s important to note that this is not truly concurrent or parallel, as Lua is single-threaded by default. For true concurrency in Lua, you would need to use additional libraries or a Lua implementation that supports native threads.

The concept of blocking sends and receives is simulated here. If there’s no receiver when a message is sent, it’s queued. If there’s no message when a receive is attempted, the coroutine yields until a message is available. This allows for synchronization between the sender and receiver, similar to the behavior in the original example.