Range Over Iterators in Lua

Iterating over Custom Data Structures and Infinite Sequences in Lua

Starting with version 1.23, Lua has table functions that allow us to iterate over any table using pairs and ipairs. Let’s explore how to implement iterators in Lua for a custom data structure and infinite sequences.

Consider a List type, which is a linked list in Lua. We will add elements to the list and iterate over them using an iterator function.

List = {}
List.__index = List

function List:new()
    local self = setmetatable({}, List)
    self.head = nil
    self.tail = nil
    return self

Node = {}
Node.__index = Node

function Node:new(value, next)
    local self = setmetatable({}, Node)
    self.value = value
    self.next = next
    return self

function List:push(value)
    local newNode = Node:new(value, nil)
    if not self.tail then
        self.head = newNode
        self.tail = newNode
        self.tail.next = newNode
        self.tail = newNode

function List:all()
    local function iterator(list, node)
        if node == nil then
            return list head
            return node.next
    return iterator, self, nil

-- Create a new list and push values to it
local lst = List:new()

-- Iterate over all elements in the list using the custom iterator
for node in lst:all() do

-- Collecting all values into a table
local all = {}
for node in lst:all() do
    table.insert(all, node.value)
print("all: ", table.concat(all, ", "))

-- Infinite Fibonacci Sequence
function genFib()
    local a, b = 1, 1
-- The infinite iterator function
    return function ()
        local value = a
        a, b = b, a + b
        return value

-- Iterate over Fibonacci numbers until breaking condition
for n in genFib() do
    if n >= 10 then break end


Let’s break down the Lua code:

  1. List and Node Definitions:

    • We define a List table structure that can hold our linked list. Each List has a head and a tail.
    • The Node table structure holds individual elements, each containing a value and a next pointer.
  2. Push Method:

    • The push method adds a new node to the list. If the list is empty, it initializes the head and tail. Otherwise, it appends to the tail.
  3. Iterator for All Elements:

    • The all method returns an iterator function. This function is used to iterate over all elements in the list.
    • The iterator function returns the next node each time it is called, starting from the head.
  4. Usage:

    • We create a list, add some elements using the push method, and then iterate over them using for node in lst:all() do.
    • We also collect all elements into a Lua table using table.insert and print them using table.concat.
  5. Infinite Fibonacci:

    • The genFib function returns an infinite iterator for Fibonacci numbers.
    • The iteration proceeds indefinitely until a break condition is met (if n >= 10 then break).

This approach to iterators in Lua allows for clean and idiomatic iteration over both finite and potentially infinite sequences.