Slices in Lua

In Lua, tables are used to implement various data structures, including arrays and slices. Unlike Go, Lua doesn’t have a built-in slice type, but we can achieve similar functionality using tables.

-- In Lua, we don't need to import packages like in Go
-- We'll use the print function for output

-- Create an empty table (similar to an uninitialized slice in Go)
local s = {}
print("uninit:", #s, #s == 0)

-- Create a table with initial values (similar to make([]string, 3) in Go)
s = {"", "", ""}
print("emp:", s, "len:", #s)

-- We can set and get values just like with arrays
s[1] = "a"
s[2] = "b"
s[3] = "c"
print("set:", s)
print("get:", s[3])

-- #s returns the length of the table
print("len:", #s)

-- To append elements, we can use the insert function or direct assignment
table.insert(s, "d")
s[#s + 1] = "e"
s[#s + 1] = "f"
print("apd:", s)

-- To copy a table, we need to create a new table and copy elements
local c = {}
for i = 1, #s do
    c[i] = s[i]
print("cpy:", c)

-- Lua tables support slicing using the unpack function
local function slice(t, start, stop)
    local sliced = {}
    for i = start, stop or #t do
        table.insert(sliced, t[i])
    return sliced

local l = slice(s, 3, 5)
print("sl1:", l)

l = slice(s, 1, 5)
print("sl2:", l)

l = slice(s, 3)
print("sl3:", l)

-- We can declare and initialize a table in a single line
local t = {"g", "h", "i"}
print("dcl:", t)

-- Lua doesn't have a built-in equality function for tables
-- We need to implement our own
local function tablesEqual(t1, t2)
    if #t1 ~= #t2 then return false end
    for i = 1, #t1 do
        if t1[i] ~= t2[i] then return false end
    return true

local t2 = {"g", "h", "i"}
if tablesEqual(t, t2) then
    print("t == t2")

-- Multi-dimensional tables
local twoD = {}
for i = 1, 3 do
    twoD[i] = {}
    for j = 1, i do
        twoD[i][j] = i + j - 2
print("2d:", twoD)

To run this Lua script, save it as tables.lua and execute it using the Lua interpreter:

$ lua tables.lua
uninit: 0 true
emp: table: 0x55f748d26f50 len: 3
set: table: 0x55f748d26f50
get: c
len: 3
apd: table: 0x55f748d26f50
cpy: table: 0x55f748d27030
sl1: table: 0x55f748d270b0
sl2: table: 0x55f748d27130
sl3: table: 0x55f748d271b0
dcl: table: 0x55f748d27230
t == t2
2d: table: 0x55f748d272b0

Note that in Lua, tables are reference types and are printed as memory addresses by default. To see the actual contents, you would need to implement a custom print function for tables.

Lua tables are versatile and can be used to implement various data structures. While they don’t have the exact same semantics as Go slices, they can be used in similar ways with some additional helper functions.