Sorting By Functions in Lua

Sometimes we’ll want to sort a collection by something other than its natural order. For example, suppose we wanted to sort strings by their length instead of alphabetically. Here’s an example of custom sorts in Lua.

-- We'll use the table.sort function for sorting
local table = require("table")

-- Helper function to compare string lengths
local function compare_lengths(a, b)
    return #a < #b

local function main()
    local fruits = {"peach", "banana", "kiwi"}

    -- Sort fruits by length using our custom comparison function
    table.sort(fruits, compare_lengths)
    print(table.concat(fruits, ", "))

    -- We can use the same technique to sort a table of custom objects
    local Person = {}
    Person.__index = Person

    function, age)
        return setmetatable({name = name, age = age}, Person)

    local people = {"Jax", 37),"TJ", 25),"Alex", 72)

    -- Sort people by age
    table.sort(people, function(a, b)
        return a.age < b.age

    -- Print sorted people
    for _, person in ipairs(people) do
        print(string.format("%s: %d",, person.age))


In this Lua version, we use the table.sort function to sort our collections. This function takes a table and an optional comparison function as arguments.

For sorting strings by length, we define a compare_lengths function that compares the lengths of two strings using the # operator, which returns the length of a string in Lua.

For sorting custom objects (like the Person objects in the example), we use an anonymous function directly in the table.sort call. This function compares the age fields of two Person objects.

Note that Lua uses tables as its primary data structure, so we use tables where the original Go code used slices.

To run this program, save it as sorting_custom.lua and use:

$ lua sorting_custom.lua
kiwi, peach, banana
TJ: 25
Jax: 37
Alex: 72

This example demonstrates how to implement custom sorting in Lua, both for built-in types like strings and for custom objects. The table.sort function in Lua is quite flexible and can be used with any comparison function that returns true when its first argument should come before its second argument in the sorted order.