Our program demonstrates common regular expression tasks in Java. Here’s the full source code:
To run the program, compile and execute it using javac and java:
Java’s regular expression support is provided by the java.util.regex package. The Pattern class is used to compile regular expressions, and the Matcher class is used to perform match operations on a character sequence.
Unlike Go, Java doesn’t have separate methods for string and byte slice operations. Instead, all operations are performed on character sequences (usually strings).
The matches method of Pattern is equivalent to Go’s MatchString. For other operations, you typically compile a Pattern and then create a Matcher object to perform operations.
Java’s regex API doesn’t provide direct equivalents for all of Go’s methods (like FindStringSubmatchIndex), but you can achieve similar results by combining existing methods.
The replaceAll method in Java is similar to Go’s ReplaceAllString. Java also allows you to use a function (via a lambda expression) to perform replacements, similar to Go’s ReplaceAllFunc.
For a complete reference on Java regular expressions, check the java.util.regex package documentation.