Values in Miranda

Miranda is a functional programming language, so the approach will be quite different from the imperative style used in the original example. Here’s how we might express similar concepts in Miranda:

|| Strings can be concatenated using the ++ operator
string_example = "miranda" ++ "lang"

|| Integers and floating-point numbers
integer_example = 1 + 1
float_example = 7.0 / 3.0

|| Booleans with logical operators
boolean_and = True & False
boolean_or = True \/ False
boolean_not = ~True

|| Main function to print results
main = [string_example,
        show integer_example,
        show float_example,
        show boolean_and,
        show boolean_or,
        show boolean_not]

In Miranda, we define values and functions rather than using print statements. The main function returns a list of strings that will be printed when the program is run.

Let’s break down the differences:

  1. Strings: Miranda uses ++ for string concatenation instead of +.

  2. Numbers: Integer and float operations are similar, but Miranda uses / for both integer and float division.

  3. Booleans: Miranda uses & for AND, \/ for OR, and ~ for NOT. Boolean values are True and False (capitalized).

  4. Function definition: Instead of a main() function, we define main as a list of results.

  5. Printing: Miranda doesn’t have built-in print functions. Instead, the main function returns a list of values to be printed. We use show to convert non-string values to strings.

To run this Miranda program, you would typically save it in a file (e.g., values.m) and then use the Miranda interpreter:

$ mira values.m

Note that the exact syntax for running Miranda code may vary depending on your specific Miranda implementation.

Miranda is a purely functional language, so concepts like mutable variables or imperative programming constructs are not applicable. This example demonstrates how to work with basic values and operations in a functional paradigm.