Channel Directions in Modelica

In Modelica, we don’t have direct equivalents for channels or goroutines. However, we can demonstrate similar concepts using connectors and equations. Here’s an example that mimics the behavior of the original code:

model ChannelDirections
  connector SendPort
    output String message;
  end SendPort;

  connector ReceivePort
    input String message;
  end ReceivePort;

  model Ping
    SendPort pings;
    pings.message = "passed message";
  end Ping;

  model Pong
    ReceivePort pings;
    SendPort pongs;
    pongs.message = pings.message;
  end Pong;

  Ping pingInstance;
  Pong pongInstance;
  ReceivePort finalReceiver;
  connect(pingInstance.pings, pongInstance.pings);
  connect(pongInstance.pongs, finalReceiver);

initial equation
  finalReceiver.message = "";

  when time > 0 then
    Modelica.Utilities.Streams.print("Received: " + finalReceiver.message);
  end when;
end ChannelDirections;

In this Modelica implementation:

  1. We define SendPort and ReceivePort connectors to mimic the concept of channels with specific directions.

  2. The Ping model represents the ping function. It has a SendPort and sets a message.

  3. The Pong model represents the pong function. It has a ReceivePort for input and a SendPort for output, passing the message through.

  4. In the main model, we instantiate Ping and Pong, connect them, and connect the output to a final receiver.

  5. We use an algorithm section with a when statement to print the received message after the simulation starts.

To run this model:

  1. Save it in a file named
  2. Use a Modelica simulation environment like OpenModelica or Dymola to compile and simulate the model.
  3. The simulation will print the received message.

This Modelica implementation demonstrates the concept of directional message passing, similar to the original example, but using Modelica’s equation-based modeling paradigm instead of imperative programming.