Channels in Modelica

model Channels
  import Modelica.Utilities.Streams;

  function sendMessage
    input String message;
    output String result;
    result := message;
  end sendMessage;

  when initial() then
    // Create a new message
    String message = "ping";
    // Send the message asynchronously
    String receivedMessage = sendMessage(message);
    // Receive and print the message
  end when;
end Channels;

In Modelica, we don’t have direct equivalents to channels and goroutines as in some other languages. However, we can simulate a similar behavior using functions and events.

In this example:

  1. We define a model called Channels.

  2. We import the Modelica.Utilities.Streams package to use the print function for output.

  3. We define a function sendMessage that simulates sending a message. In Modelica, functions are synchronous, so this is a simplified representation of the asynchronous behavior in the original example.

  4. In the equation section, we use a when initial() event to trigger our message sending and receiving process at the start of the simulation.

  5. We create a message “ping” and “send” it using our sendMessage function.

  6. We immediately “receive” the message by capturing the return value of sendMessage.

  7. Finally, we print the received message using Streams.print().

To run this Modelica model:

  1. Save the code in a file named
  2. Use a Modelica-compatible simulation environment (like OpenModelica or Dymola) to compile and run the model.
  3. The output should display:

This example demonstrates a simplified version of message passing in Modelica. It’s important to note that Modelica is primarily used for physical system modeling and simulation, so concepts like channels and concurrent programming are not as directly applicable as in other programming languages. The asynchronous nature of the original example is not fully captured in this Modelica equivalent.