Here’s the translation of the Go code to Modelica, formatted in Markdown suitable for Hugo:
Our example demonstrates how to create a simple HTTP server in Modelica. This server showcases the usage of a concept similar to context.Context for controlling cancellation. In Modelica, we don’t have an exact equivalent, but we can simulate similar behavior using timers and events.
In this Modelica model:
We use a StateGraph to simulate the server’s behavior.
The waitingForRequest step represents the server waiting for incoming requests.
When a request comes in (simulated by the newRequest input), the server moves to the processingRequest step.
If the processing completes within 10 seconds, it moves to the sendResponse step.
If a cancellation is requested (simulated by the cancellationRequested input) during processing, it moves to the handleCancellation step.
After either sending a response or handling cancellation, the server returns to the waiting state.
To use this model, you would need to create a simulation setup that provides inputs for newRequest and cancellationRequested, and observes the outputs responseReady and requestCancelled.
Note that Modelica, being a modeling language primarily used for physical systems and control systems, doesn’t have built-in support for creating actual HTTP servers. This model simulates the logical flow of an HTTP server handling requests and cancellations, but it wouldn’t actually serve HTTP requests in a real-world scenario.