Json in Modelica

Our first program will demonstrate JSON encoding and decoding in Modelica. Here’s the full source code and explanation:

model JSONExample
  import Modelica.Utilities.Strings;
  import Modelica.Utilities.Files;
  import Modelica.Utilities.Streams;

  record Response
    Integer page;
    String[:] fruits;
  end Response;

  function encodeJSON
    input Response response;
    output String json;
    json := "{\"page\":" + String(response.page) + ",\"fruits\":[";
    for i in 1:size(response.fruits, 1) loop
      json := json + "\"" + response.fruits[i] + "\"";
      if i < size(response.fruits, 1) then
        json := json + ",";
      end if;
    end for;
    json := json + "]}";
  end encodeJSON;

  function decodeJSON
    input String json;
    output Response response;
    Integer startIndex, endIndex;
    String pageStr, fruitsStr;
    // Extract page
    startIndex := Strings.find(json, "\"page\":");
    endIndex := Strings.find(json, ",", startIndex=startIndex);
    pageStr := Strings.substring(json, startIndex+7, endIndex-1);
    response.page := Integer(pageStr);
    // Extract fruits
    startIndex := Strings.find(json, "\"fruits\":[");
    endIndex := Strings.find(json, "]", startIndex=startIndex);
    fruitsStr := Strings.substring(json, startIndex+10, endIndex-1);
    response.fruits := Strings.split(fruitsStr, "\",\"");
    for i in 1:size(response.fruits, 1) loop
      response.fruits[i] := Strings.replace(response.fruits[i], "\"", "");
    end for;
  end decodeJSON;

  // Encoding example
  Response response1(page=1, fruits={"apple", "peach", "pear"});
  String encodedJSON = encodeJSON(response1);
  Streams.print("Encoded JSON: " + encodedJSON);

  // Decoding example
  String jsonString = "{\"page\":2,\"fruits\":[\"banana\",\"mango\"]}";
  Response decodedResponse = decodeJSON(jsonString);
  Streams.print("Decoded page: " + String(decodedResponse.page));
  Streams.print("Decoded fruits: " + Strings.toString(decodedResponse.fruits));

end JSONExample;

In this Modelica example, we’ve created a simple JSON encoder and decoder for a custom Response record. Here’s a breakdown of the code:

  1. We define a Response record to hold our data structure.

  2. The encodeJSON function takes a Response object and converts it to a JSON string.

  3. The decodeJSON function takes a JSON string and converts it back to a Response object.

  4. In the equation section, we demonstrate both encoding and decoding:

    • We create a Response object, encode it to JSON, and print the result.
    • We define a JSON string, decode it to a Response object, and print the decoded values.

This example showcases basic JSON handling in Modelica. Note that Modelica doesn’t have built-in JSON support, so we’ve implemented a simple version of JSON encoding and decoding. For more complex JSON operations, you might want to use external C functions or libraries.

To run this example, you would typically include it in a Modelica simulation environment. The output would show the encoded JSON string and the decoded values from the JSON string.

Remember that Modelica is primarily used for physical system modeling and simulation, so JSON handling is not a core feature of the language. In practice, JSON operations might be performed using external functions or pre/post-processing steps in a Modelica workflow.