Title here
Summary here
Based on the provided input, here is the appropriate translation of the Go code example to Modelica:
Modelica’s record
constructs are the counterparts of structs
in some other languages. They’re useful for grouping data together to form records.
This Person
record type has name
and age
record Person
String name;
Integer age;
end Person;
constructs a new Person
record with the given name.
function newPerson
input String name;
output Person p;
p.name := name;
p.age := 42;
end newPerson;
This creates a new record.
model Example
Person p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6;
initial algorithm
p1 := Person(name = "Bob", age = 20);
p2 := Person(name = "Alice", age = 30);
p3 := Person(name = "Fred", age = 0); // Omitted fields will be zero-valued
p4 := Person(name = "Ann", age = 40); // This syntax creates a new record with fields initialized
p5 := newPerson("Jon"); // It's idiomatic to use constructor functions
p6 := Person(name = "Sean", age = 50); // Access record fields with a dot
// You can also use dots with record references
Integer age := p6.age;
// Records are mutable
p6.age := 51;
// Anonymous record type
record Dog
String name;
Boolean isGood;
end Dog;
Dog dog;
dog := Dog(name = "Rex", isGood = true);
end Example;
To run the program, put the code in Example.mo
and simulate it using your Modelica environment.
When you simulate the Example
model, it will initialize several Person
records and demonstrate various operations on them.
Next example: Methods