Url Parsing in Nim

Here’s the translation of the URL parsing example from Go to Nim:

Our URL parsing program demonstrates how to parse URLs in Nim. URLs provide a uniform way to locate resources.

import uri, strutils

proc main() =
  # We'll parse this example URL, which includes a
  # scheme, authentication info, host, port, path,
  # query params, and query fragment.
  let s = "postgres://user:pass@host.com:5432/path?k=v#f"

  # Parse the URL and ensure there are no errors.
  let u = parseUri(s)

  # Accessing the scheme is straightforward.
  echo u.scheme

  # `userinfo` contains all authentication info; we need to split it
  # to get individual username and password values.
  let userinfo = u.userinfo.split(':')
  echo u.userinfo
  echo userinfo[0]
  echo userinfo[1]

  # The `hostname` and `port` are separate in Nim's Uri object.
  echo u.hostname & ":" & u.port
  echo u.hostname
  echo u.port

  # Here we extract the `path` and the fragment after the `#`.
  echo u.path
  echo u.anchor

  # To get query params in a string of `k=v` format,
  # use `query`. You can also parse query params
  # into a Table. The parsed query param table is from
  # strings to strings in Nim.
  echo u.query
  let m = u.query.parseQuery()
  echo m
  echo m["k"]


Running our URL parsing program shows all the different pieces that we extracted.

$ nim c -r url_parsing.nim
{"k": "v"}

In this Nim version:

  1. We use the uri module for URL parsing.
  2. The parseUri function is used to parse the URL string.
  3. The Uri object in Nim has slightly different field names compared to Go’s URL struct.
  4. Authentication info is stored as a single string in userinfo, which we manually split.
  5. Hostname and port are separate fields in Nim’s Uri object.
  6. The fragment is called anchor in Nim.
  7. Query parameters can be parsed into a Table using the parseQuery function.

The overall structure and functionality of the program remain the same as the original example, demonstrating URL parsing capabilities in Nim.