Maps in Objective-C

Maps are built-in associative data types (sometimes called hashes or dicts in other languages).

To create an empty map, use NSMutableDictionary.

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

int main() {
    @autoreleasepool {
        NSMutableDictionary *m = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];

Set key/value pairs using the method setObject:forKey:.

        [m setObject:@7 forKey:@"k1"];
        [m setObject:@13 forKey:@"k2"];

Printing a map using NSLog will show all of its key/value pairs.

        NSLog(@"map: %@", m);

Get a value for a key using objectForKey:.

        NSNumber *v1 = [m objectForKey:@"k1"];
        NSLog(@"v1: %@", v1);

If the key doesn’t exist, nil is returned.

        NSNumber *v3 = [m objectForKey:@"k3"];
        NSLog(@"v3: %@", v3);

The method count returns the number of key/value pairs when called on a map.

        NSLog(@"len: %lu", (unsigned long)[m count]);

The method removeObjectForKey: removes key/value pairs from a map.

        [m removeObjectForKey:@"k2"];
        NSLog(@"map: %@", m);

To remove all key/value pairs from a map, use removeAllObjects.

        [m removeAllObjects];
        NSLog(@"map: %@", m);

The optional second return value when getting a value from a map indicates if the key was present in the map. This can be checked using objectForKey: and verifying that the return value is not nil.

        NSNumber *prsValue = [m objectForKey:@"k2"];
        BOOL prs = prsValue != nil;
        NSLog(@"prs: %d", prs);

You can also declare and initialize a new map in the same line with this syntax.

        NSMutableDictionary *n = @{ @"foo": @1, @"bar": @2 }.mutableCopy;
        NSLog(@"map: %@", n);

A simplified way to compare the dictionaries, assuming you are checking equality by content, could be using isEqualToDictionary:.

        NSMutableDictionary *n2 = @{ @"foo": @1, @"bar": @2 }.mutableCopy;
        if ([n isEqualToDictionary:n2]) {
            NSLog(@"n == n2");
    return 0;

When printed, maps appear in the form {"k1":7, "k2":13}.

$ clang -fobjc-arc -framework Foundation maps.m -o maps
$ ./maps
map: {
    k1 = 7;
    k2 = 13;
v1: 7
v3: (null)
len: 2
map: {
    k1 = 7;
map: {
prs: 0
map: {
    bar = 2;
    foo = 1;
n == n2