Title here
Summary here
Here’s the translation of the Go code to OCaml, with explanations in Markdown format suitable for Hugo:
Our program demonstrates how to work with directories in OCaml. Here’s the full source code:
open Unix
open Sys
(* Helper function to check for errors *)
let check_error result =
match result with
| Ok _ -> ()
| Error e -> failwith (Unix.error_message e)
(* Helper function to create an empty file *)
let create_empty_file name =
let oc = open_out name in
close_out oc
let () =
(* Create a new sub-directory in the current working directory *)
check_error (mkdir "subdir" 0o755);
(* When creating temporary directories, it's good practice to remove them afterwards *)
at_exit (fun () -> Unix.rmdir "subdir");
create_empty_file "subdir/file1";
(* We can create a hierarchy of directories, including parents *)
check_error (mkdir "subdir/parent/child" 0o755);
create_empty_file "subdir/parent/file2";
create_empty_file "subdir/parent/file3";
create_empty_file "subdir/parent/child/file4";
(* List directory contents *)
let entries = readdir "subdir/parent" in
print_endline "Listing subdir/parent";
Array.iter (fun entry ->
let is_dir = (stat ("subdir/parent/" ^ entry)).st_kind = S_DIR in
Printf.printf " %s %b\n" entry is_dir
) entries;
(* Change the current working directory *)
chdir "subdir/parent/child";
(* Now we'll see the contents of subdir/parent/child when listing the current directory *)
let entries = readdir "." in
print_endline "Listing subdir/parent/child";
Array.iter (fun entry ->
let is_dir = (stat entry).st_kind = S_DIR in
Printf.printf " %s %b\n" entry is_dir
) entries;
(* Change back to where we started *)
chdir "../../..";
(* We can also visit a directory recursively, including all its sub-directories *)
print_endline "Visiting subdir";
let rec visit path =
let entries = readdir path in
Array.iter (fun entry ->
if entry <> "." && entry <> ".." then
let full_path = Filename.concat path entry in
let is_dir = (stat full_path).st_kind = S_DIR in
Printf.printf " %s %b\n" full_path is_dir;
if is_dir then visit full_path
) entries
visit "subdir"
To run the program, save it as directories.ml
and use ocamlc
to compile and run:
$ ocamlc unix.cma directories.ml -o directories
$ ./directories
Listing subdir/parent
child true
file2 false
file3 false
Listing subdir/parent/child
file4 false
Visiting subdir
subdir true
subdir/file1 false
subdir/parent true
subdir/parent/child true
subdir/parent/child/file4 false
subdir/parent/file2 false
subdir/parent/file3 false
This OCaml program demonstrates various operations on directories:
to ensure cleanup of temporary directories.readdir
function.Note that OCaml’s standard library and Unix module provide functions similar to those in Go for working with the file system. The main differences are in syntax and error handling patterns.