Our example demonstrates the use of parametric polymorphism in OCaml, which is similar to generics in other languages.
To run this program, save it as generics.ml and use the OCaml compiler:
In this OCaml version:
We define a polymorphic index function that works on lists of any type, similar to the SlicesIndex function in the original example.
We create a custom my_list type to demonstrate generic data structures. This is analogous to the List type in the original example.
The push and all_elements functions are defined for our custom list type, showcasing how to work with generic data structures in OCaml.
In the main part of the program, we demonstrate the usage of these generic functions and data structures.
Note that OCaml has built-in support for parametric polymorphism, which is similar to generics in other languages. The 'a type variable in our definitions allows the functions and types to work with any type.