Recover in OCaml

OCaml provides a way to handle exceptions, which is similar to recovering from panics in other languages. We can use try ... with to catch and handle exceptions.

(* This function raises an exception. *)
let may_raise_exception () =
  raise (Failure "a problem")

(* The main function *)
let main () =
  (* We use try...with to catch and handle exceptions *)
    may_raise_exception ();
    (* This code will not run because may_raise_exception raises an exception.
       The execution of main stops at the point of the exception and moves to the with clause. *)
    print_endline "After may_raise_exception()"
    | Failure msg ->
        (* The value caught by with is the exception raised *)
        Printf.printf "Recovered. Error:\n %s\n" msg

(* Run the main function *)
let () = main ()

In OCaml, we use exceptions for error handling. The raise function is used to throw an exception, which is similar to panicking in other languages.

The try ... with construct is used to catch and handle exceptions. It’s similar to the deferred function with recover in other languages. When the code in the try block raises an exception, the execution immediately moves to the with clause.

In the with clause, we can pattern match on different types of exceptions and handle them accordingly. In this case, we’re catching the Failure exception and printing its message.

To run this program, save it to a file (e.g., and use the OCaml compiler:

$ ocamlc -o exception_handling
$ ./exception_handling
Recovered. Error:
 a problem

This example demonstrates how OCaml handles exceptions, which serves a similar purpose to panic recovery in other languages. It allows your program to gracefully handle errors without crashing.