Struct Embedding in OCaml
OCaml supports modules, which can be used to express a more seamless composition of types. This is similar to the concept of struct embedding in some other languages.
(* Define a base record type *)
type base = { num : int }
(* Define a function for the base type *)
let describe base =
Printf.sprintf "base with num=%d" base.num
(* Define a container record type that includes base *)
type container = {
base : base;
str : string
(* Main function *)
let main () =
(* Create a container instance *)
let co = {
base = { num = 1 };
str = "some name"
} in
(* We can access the base's fields directly on co *)
Printf.printf "co={num: %d, str: %s}\n" co.base.num co.str;
(* We can also access the full path using the base field *)
Printf.printf "also num: %d\n" co.base.num;
(* We can call the describe function on the base field *)
Printf.printf "describe: %s\n" (describe co.base);
(* Define a module signature (similar to an interface) *)
module type Describer = sig
val describe : unit -> string
(* Create a module that implements the Describer signature *)
module ContainerDescriber = struct
let describe () = describe co.base
(* Use the module *)
let module D : Describer = ContainerDescriber in
Printf.printf "describer: %s\n" (D.describe ())
(* Call the main function *)
let () = main ()
To run the program, save it as
and use the OCaml compiler:
$ ocamlc -o struct_composition
$ ./struct_composition
co={num: 1, str: some name}
also num: 1
describe: base with num=1
describer: base with num=1
In this OCaml version, we use records to represent structs. The concept of embedding is achieved by including the base
record as a field in the container
We define functions that operate on these records, similar to methods in object-oriented languages. The describe
function is defined for the base
To simulate the interface implementation, we use OCaml’s module system. We define a module signature Describer
(similar to an interface) and create a module ContainerDescriber
that implements this signature.
The main function demonstrates how to create and use these structures, access their fields, and use the module system to achieve polymorphism.
This example showcases OCaml’s powerful type system and module system, which provide ways to achieve composition and polymorphism similar to struct embedding in other languages.