Title here
Summary here
Here’s the translation of the Go URL parsing example to OCaml:
Our URL parsing program demonstrates how to parse URLs in OCaml. URLs provide a uniform way to locate resources.
open Printf
open Unix
(* We'll parse this example URL, which includes a
scheme, authentication info, host, port, path,
query params, and query fragment. *)
let s = "postgres://user:pass@host.com:5432/path?k=v#f"
(* Parse the URL and ensure there are no errors. *)
let u = Uri.of_string s
(* Accessing the scheme is straightforward. *)
let () = printf "%s\n" (Uri.scheme u |> Option.value ~default:"")
(* Uri.userinfo contains all authentication info; we need to
split it manually to get individual username and password. *)
let () =
match Uri.userinfo u with
| Some userinfo ->
printf "%s\n" userinfo;
(match String.split_on_char ':' userinfo with
| [username; password] ->
printf "%s\n%s\n" username password
| _ -> ())
| None -> ()
(* The host contains both the hostname and the port,
if present. Use Uri.host and Uri.port to extract them. *)
let () =
match Uri.host u, Uri.port u with
| Some host, Some port ->
printf "%s:%d\n" host port;
printf "%s\n%d\n" host port
| _ -> ()
(* Here we extract the path and the fragment after the #. *)
let () =
printf "%s\n" (Uri.path u);
printf "%s\n" (Uri.fragment u |> Option.value ~default:"")
(* To get query params in a string of k=v format,
use Uri.query_raw. You can also parse query params
into a list of key-value pairs using Uri.query. *)
let () =
(match Uri.query_raw u with
| Some query -> printf "%s\n" query
| None -> ());
let query_params = Uri.query u in
printf "%s\n" (String.concat ", " (List.map (fun (k, v) -> sprintf "%s: %s" k (String.concat ";" v)) query_params));
(match List.assoc_opt "k" query_params with
| Some [v] -> printf "%s\n" v
| _ -> ())
Running our URL parsing program shows all the different pieces that we extracted.
$ ocaml url_parsing.ml
k: v
In this OCaml version:
module from the uri
library to parse the URL.Uri.of_string
function is used to parse the URL string.Option
module to handle optional values.Uri
module doesn’t provide a direct way to split the userinfo, so we manually split it.Uri.query
to get the query parameters as a list of key-value pairs.Note that OCaml’s standard library doesn’t include URL parsing functionality, so you would need to install and use a third-party library like uri
for this example to work. The exact API might vary depending on the version of the library used.