Atomic Counters in OpenSCAD

OpenSCAD doesn’t have built-in support for concurrency or atomic operations like Go does. However, we can simulate the concept using a module that represents our counter and a loop to simulate multiple “threads” incrementing it. Here’s an approximation of the atomic counter concept in OpenSCAD:

// Simulating an atomic counter in OpenSCAD
counter = 0;

module increment_counter(iterations) {
    for (i = [1:iterations]) {
        counter = counter + 1;

// Simulating 50 "threads" each incrementing 1000 times
for (thread = [1:50]) {

// Display the final counter value
echo(str("ops: ", counter));

In this OpenSCAD script:

  1. We define a global variable counter to represent our atomic counter.

  2. We create an increment_counter module that simulates incrementing the counter a specified number of times.

  3. We use a loop to simulate 50 “threads”, each calling increment_counter 1000 times.

  4. Finally, we use the echo function to display the final value of the counter.

To run this script, save it as atomic_counters.scad and open it in OpenSCAD. The result will be displayed in the console output:

ECHO: "ops: 50000"

Note that this is a simplification and doesn’t truly represent concurrent execution or atomic operations. OpenSCAD executes scripts sequentially and doesn’t support true parallelism or thread-safe operations.

In a real concurrent environment, without proper synchronization, the final count might be less than expected due to race conditions. However, in this OpenSCAD simulation, we always get the expected result of 50,000 because the operations are performed sequentially.

If you need to perform actual concurrent operations with atomic counters, you would typically use a language with built-in support for concurrency and atomic operations, such as C++, Java, or Rust.