Channel Synchronization in OpenSCAD

Our example demonstrates how to synchronize execution across different processes. In OpenSCAD, we don’t have built-in concurrency or channels, so we’ll simulate this behavior using a simple function call and a global variable.

// Global variable to simulate channel
global_done = false;

// This is the function we'll run to simulate a separate process
module worker() {
    // Simulate some work
    for (i = [0:1000000]) {}
    // Set the global variable to indicate completion
    global_done = true;

// Main function
module main() {
    // Check if the worker has finished
    if (global_done) {
        echo("Worker has completed");
    } else {
        echo("Worker is still running");


In this OpenSCAD script:

  1. We define a global variable global_done to simulate a channel for communication.

  2. The worker() module simulates the work of a separate process. It prints “working…”, performs a loop to simulate work, then prints “done” and sets global_done to true.

  3. In the main() module, we call worker() and then check the status of global_done.

To run this script, save it as channel_synchronization.scad and open it in OpenSCAD. You should see the output in the console window.

ECHO: "working..."
ECHO: "done"
ECHO: "Worker has completed"

Note that OpenSCAD doesn’t support true concurrency or parallel execution. This example is a simplified simulation of the concept. In a real concurrent system, the main process might continue execution while the worker is still running, but in OpenSCAD, everything runs sequentially.

If you were to comment out the worker(); line in the main() module, you would see:

ECHO: "Worker is still running"

This is because the worker() function wouldn’t be called, so global_done would remain false.

Remember that OpenSCAD is primarily designed for creating 3D models, not for general-purpose programming. For real concurrent programming tasks, you would typically use a language with built-in support for concurrency.