Context in OpenSCAD

Here’s the translation of the Go code to OpenSCAD, formatted in Markdown suitable for Hugo:

Our example demonstrates how to create a simple HTTP server in OpenSCAD. While OpenSCAD doesn’t have built-in HTTP server capabilities or concurrency features like contexts, we can simulate some of these concepts using OpenSCAD’s modules and functions.

// Simulate an HTTP server in OpenSCAD

// Simulate a request handler
module handle_request(path) {
    echo(str("Server: handler started for path ", path));
    // Simulate some work
    for (i = [0:9]) {
        // Check for cancellation (simulated)
        if (i == 5) {
            echo("Server: request cancelled");
        // Wait for a second (simulated)
        echo(str("Processing second ", i));
    echo(str("Response for ", path, ": hello"));
    echo("Server: handler ended");

// Simulate server setup and request handling
module server() {
    echo("Server started on port 8090");
    // Simulate handling a request

// Run the server

In this OpenSCAD simulation:

  1. We define a handle_request module that simulates handling an HTTP request. It takes a path parameter to mimic different routes.

  2. Inside handle_request, we use a loop to simulate work being done over time. We also include a simple cancellation check (at 5 seconds) to demonstrate how a request might be interrupted.

  3. The server module simulates setting up the server and handling a request to the “/hello” path.

  4. We call the server module to run our simulated server.

To run this simulation:

  1. Save the code in a file with a .scad extension, for example, http_server_sim.scad.

  2. Open the file in OpenSCAD.

  3. Look at the console output to see the simulated server behavior.

The output might look something like this:

ECHO: "Server started on port 8090"
ECHO: "Server: handler started for path /hello"
ECHO: "Processing second 0"
ECHO: "Processing second 1"
ECHO: "Processing second 2"
ECHO: "Processing second 3"
ECHO: "Processing second 4"
ECHO: "Server: request cancelled"

This simulation demonstrates the concept of a server handling requests and the possibility of request cancellation, albeit in a very simplified manner. OpenSCAD, being primarily a 3D modeling language, doesn’t have native support for networking or concurrency, so this example focuses on the logical flow rather than actual HTTP functionality.