Http Server in OpenSCAD

Here’s the translation of the HTTP Server example from Go to OpenSCAD, formatted in Markdown suitable for Hugo:

// Writing a basic HTTP server in OpenSCAD is not directly possible as it's 
// primarily a 3D modeling language. However, we can demonstrate a conceptual 
// representation of an HTTP server using OpenSCAD's modules and functions.

// Simulating a response writer
module response_writer(message) {
    echo(str("Response: ", message));

// Simulating an HTTP request
module request(path) {
    echo(str("Request received for path: ", path));

// Handler for the "/hello" route
module hello_handler(req) {

// Handler for the "/headers" route
module headers_handler(req) {
    // In a real scenario, we would iterate over request headers
    // Here, we'll just simulate some headers
    response_writer("User-Agent: OpenSCAD/2021.01\n");
    response_writer("Accept: text/plain\n");

// Main server function
module http_server() {
    echo("Server starting on port 8090...");
    // Simulating request handling

// Run the server

In OpenSCAD, we don’t have built-in networking capabilities or an HTTP server implementation. However, we can conceptually represent the structure of an HTTP server using OpenSCAD’s modules and functions.

The response_writer module simulates writing a response, while the request module represents an incoming HTTP request.

We define handler modules (hello_handler and headers_handler) that correspond to different routes. These handlers use the response_writer to “send” responses.

The http_server module acts as our main server function. It simulates starting the server and handling requests by calling the appropriate handler modules.

To “run” this conceptual server, we simply call the http_server() module at the end of our script.

When you run this OpenSCAD script, it will output messages to the console that simulate the behavior of an HTTP server:

Server starting on port 8090...
Request received for path: /hello
Response: hello
Request received for path: /headers
Response: User-Agent: OpenSCAD/2021.01
Response: Accept: text/plain

Remember, this is a conceptual representation and not a functioning HTTP server. OpenSCAD is designed for 3D modeling and doesn’t have networking capabilities. For actual server implementations, you would need to use a language with proper networking support.