Number Parsing in OpenSCAD

OpenSCAD doesn’t have built-in support for number parsing from strings or a standard library for such operations. However, we can demonstrate some basic number operations and string manipulations that are available in OpenSCAD.

// OpenSCAD doesn't have built-in number parsing functions,
// but we can demonstrate some basic number operations.

// Function to convert a number to a string
function num_to_str(num) = str(num);

// Function to perform basic arithmetic
function add(a, b) = a + b;
function subtract(a, b) = a - b;
function multiply(a, b) = a * b;
function divide(a, b) = a / b;

// Main part of the script
function main() = {
    // Demonstrate basic number operations
    echo("Addition:", add(1.234, 2.766));
    echo("Subtraction:", subtract(456, 123));
    echo("Multiplication:", multiply(12, 38));
    echo("Division:", divide(789, 3));

    // Demonstrate string conversion
    echo("Number to string:", num_to_str(135));

    // OpenSCAD doesn't have built-in error handling for parsing
    // So we can't demonstrate parsing errors directly

// Call the main function

To run this script, save it as number_operations.scad and open it in the OpenSCAD application. The output will be displayed in the console.

ECHO: "Addition:", 4
ECHO: "Subtraction:", 333
ECHO: "Multiplication:", 456
ECHO: "Division:", 263
ECHO: "Number to string:", "135"

Note that OpenSCAD is primarily designed for 3D modeling and doesn’t have the same string parsing capabilities as general-purpose programming languages. The example above demonstrates basic number operations and string conversion, which are the closest equivalents to the original Go example that can be implemented in OpenSCAD.

OpenSCAD uses a functional programming approach, so variables are immutable and functions don’t have side effects. The echo function is used to output results, similar to print or console.log in other languages.

For more complex number parsing or string manipulation, you would typically pre-process your data in another language before using it in OpenSCAD, or use OpenSCAD in conjunction with a script in another language that can handle these operations more easily.