Struct Embedding in OpenSCAD

// OpenSCAD doesn't have a direct equivalent to struct embedding,
// but we can simulate similar behavior using modules and functions.

// Define a base module
module base(num) {
    // In OpenSCAD, we can't store data like in a struct,
    // so we'll use parameters instead
    function describe() = str("base with num=", num);
    // We can define geometry here if needed
    // For this example, we'll just use a cube
    cube([num, num, num]);

// Define a container module
module container(num, str) {
    // Simulate embedding by calling the base module
    // Add container-specific properties
    // In this case, we'll just add a text
    translate([0, 0, num])
        text(str, size = num/2);

// Main part of the script
function main() = 
        // Create a container
        co = [1, "some name"], // [num, str]
        // Access fields
        num = co[0],
        str = co[1],
        // Print information
        _ = echo(str("co={num: ", num, ", str: ", str, "}")),
        _ = echo("also num:", num),
        // Call the describe function (simulated)
        describe_result = str("base with num=", num),
        _ = echo("describe:", describe_result),
        // In OpenSCAD, we don't have interfaces, so we'll skip that part
        // Return the container for visualization
        result = co
    ) result;

// Visualize the result
container(main()[0], main()[1]);

This OpenSCAD script simulates the concept of struct embedding as closely as possible given the limitations of the language. Here’s a breakdown of the changes and adaptations:

  1. OpenSCAD doesn’t have structs or objects, so we use modules to define base and container.

  2. Instead of struct fields, we use function parameters to pass data.

  3. The describe() function is simulated as a local function within the base module.

  4. We use a main() function to simulate the main() function in the original Go code. This function returns the container data.

  5. Echo statements are used to simulate the fmt.Printf and fmt.Println calls.

  6. OpenSCAD doesn’t have interfaces, so that part of the original example is omitted.

  7. The container module is called at the end to visualize the result.

When you run this script in OpenSCAD, you’ll see a cube (representing the base) with text on top (representing the container’s string). The console output will show the echoed information, simulating the printed output in the original Go example.

Note that this is an approximation of the original behavior, adapted to fit OpenSCAD’s paradigm as a 3D modeling scripting language rather than a general-purpose programming language.