Structs in OpenSCAD

Based on the provided Go code, here is the equivalent in OpenSCAD with a suitable explanation.

Structs are a way to group together variables under a single name. Even though OpenSCAD does not have built-in structures like other programming languages, we can use dictionaries (collections of key-value pairs) to achieve a similar effect.

Structs in OpenSCAD

In OpenSCAD, we can simulate structs using dictionaries. Here’s how you can define and use them.

// Define a person dictionary
person = [
    "name": "",
    "age": 0

// Function to create a new person
function newPerson(name) = [
    "name": name,
    "age": 42  // Default age

// Main code
people = [
    ["name": "Bob", "age": 20],
    ["name": "Alice", "age": 30],
    ["name": "Fred", "age": 0],
    ["name": "Ann", "age": 40],

// Print the people
for (p = people) {

// Access and modify fields
s = ["name": "Sean", "age": 50];

sp = s;  // In OpenSCAD, this creates a copy
sp["age"] = 51;

// Anonymous dictionary
dog = [
    "name": "Rex",
    "isGood": true

To run the script, save it as structs.scad and load it in the OpenSCAD environment. The echo statements will display the dictionary contents in the console output of OpenSCAD.


  1. person dictionary: Here, we define a generic template for a person dictionary with “name” and “age” fields.
  2. newPerson function: This function creates a new person dictionary with the given name and a default age of 42.
  3. Main code: We create a list of person dictionaries, including some with fixed names and ages, and one using the newPerson function for initialization.
  4. Printing: The for loop iterates over the list of people and prints each dictionary using the echo function.
  5. Access and modify fields: We demonstrate accessing a field in the dictionary and modifying it.
  6. Anonymous dictionary: Similar to unnamed structs, we directly define and use a dictionary for a dog.

By organizing data in dictionaries, we can achieve a struct-like grouping of variables in OpenSCAD.