Url Parsing in OpenSCAD
Here’s the translation of the Go URL parsing example to OpenSCAD:
OpenSCAD doesn’t have built-in URL parsing capabilities or string manipulation functions like Go does. However, we can simulate some of the concepts using OpenSCAD’s data structures and functions. Keep in mind that this is a simplified representation and doesn’t provide actual URL parsing functionality.
// URL Parsing in OpenSCAD
// Define a function to simulate URL parsing
function parse_url(url) =
parts = [
["scheme", "postgres"],
["user", "user:pass"],
["host", "host.com:5432"],
["path", "/path"],
["query", "k=v"],
["fragment", "f"]
// Simulate parsing a URL
url = "postgres://user:pass@host.com:5432/path?k=v#f";
parsed = parse_url(url);
// Function to print key-value pairs
module print_kv(kv) {
echo(str(kv[0], ": ", kv[1]));
// Print parsed URL components
for (part = parsed) {
// Simulate splitting host and port
function split_host_port(host_port) =
parts = ["host.com", "5432"]
host_port = "host.com:5432";
host_port_split = split_host_port(host_port);
echo("Host:", host_port_split[0]);
echo("Port:", host_port_split[1]);
// Simulate parsing query parameters
function parse_query(query) =
[["k", "v"]];
query = "k=v";
parsed_query = parse_query(query);
echo("Query params:", parsed_query);
echo("First value of 'k':", parsed_query[0][1]);
In this OpenSCAD representation:
We define a
function that simulates parsing a URL by returning a list of key-value pairs.We use
statements to print the parsed URL components, similar to thefmt.Println
statements in the original example.We create a
function to simulate splitting the host and port.We define a
function to represent parsing query parameters.We use OpenSCAD’s list and string operations to manipulate and display the data.
To run this OpenSCAD script:
- Save the code in a file with a
extension (e.g.,url_parsing.scad
). - Open the file in the OpenSCAD application.
- Look at the console output to see the results of the echo statements.
Remember that this is a simplified representation and doesn’t provide actual URL parsing functionality, as OpenSCAD is primarily designed for 3D modeling and doesn’t have built-in string manipulation or URL parsing capabilities.