Xml in OpenSCAD

Our program demonstrates how to work with XML-like structures in OpenSCAD. Since OpenSCAD doesn’t have built-in XML support, we’ll simulate XML-like structures using nested lists and dictionaries.

// Plant will be represented as a dictionary
function Plant(id, name, origin) = [
    ["XMLName", "plant"],
    ["id", id],
    ["name", name],
    ["origin", origin]

// Helper function to convert Plant to string
function plantToString(p) = 
    str("Plant id=", p[1][1], ", name=", p[2][1], ", origin=", p[3][1]);

// Main function
function main() {
    coffee = Plant(27, "Coffee", ["Ethiopia", "Brazil"]);
    // Simulate XML output
    echo(str("XML representation:"));
    echo(str("<plant id=\"", coffee[1][1], "\">"));
    echo(str("  <name>", coffee[2][1], "</name>"));
    for (origin = coffee[3][1])
        echo(str("  <origin>", origin, "</origin>"));
    // Simulate XML header
    echo("XML with header:");
    echo("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");
    echo(str("<plant id=\"", coffee[1][1], "\">"));
    echo(str("  <name>", coffee[2][1], "</name>"));
    for (origin = coffee[3][1])
        echo(str("  <origin>", origin, "</origin>"));
    // Print plant as string
    // Create another plant
    tomato = Plant(81, "Tomato", ["Mexico", "California"]);
    // Simulate nested XML structure
    nesting = [
        ["XMLName", "nesting"],
        ["Plants", [coffee, tomato]]
    echo("Nested XML structure:");
    echo("  <parent>");
    echo("    <child>");
    for (plant = nesting[1][1]) {
        echo(str("      <plant id=\"", plant[1][1], "\">"));
        echo(str("        <name>", plant[2][1], "</name>"));
        for (origin = plant[3][1])
            echo(str("        <origin>", origin, "</origin>"));
        echo("      </plant>");
    echo("    </child>");
    echo("  </parent>");

// Call the main function

This OpenSCAD script simulates XML processing using nested lists and dictionaries. Here’s a breakdown of what it does:

  1. We define a Plant function that creates a plant structure similar to the original XML example.

  2. The plantToString function converts a plant structure to a string representation.

  3. In the main function, we create plant structures and simulate XML output using echo statements.

  4. We demonstrate nested XML-like structures by creating multiple plants and nesting them.

  5. The script outputs simulated XML structures to the console using echo statements.

Note that OpenSCAD doesn’t have built-in XML parsing or generation capabilities, so this example focuses on simulating XML-like structures and output. The actual manipulation of these structures would be done programmatically within OpenSCAD, rather than using XML-specific functions.

To run this script, save it as an .scad file and open it in the OpenSCAD application. The console output will show the simulated XML structures.