Pascal doesn’t have built-in concurrency primitives like channels or goroutines, so we’ll simulate this behavior using threads and a custom channel-like structure.
This Pascal program simulates the behavior of the original code. Here’s how it works:
We define a TStringChannel class to simulate channels. It uses a critical section for thread safety.
The TWorkerThread class simulates goroutines. Each thread waits for a specified delay and then sends a message to its channel.
In the main program, we create two channels and start two worker threads.
We then use a loop to continuously check both channels for incoming messages. This simulates the select statement in the original code.
When a message is received, it’s printed and the loop breaks to check the next message.
To run this program, save it as select_example.pas and compile it with a Pascal compiler that supports threads (like Free Pascal):
Note that the total execution time will be slightly over 2 seconds, as both the 1 and 2 second delays execute concurrently.
While this Pascal version doesn’t have the elegance of Go’s select statement, it demonstrates how to achieve similar functionality using threads and custom synchronization primitives.