Url Parsing in Pascal
Here’s the translation of the Go URL parsing example to Pascal, formatted in Markdown suitable for Hugo:
program URLParsing;
SysUtils, Classes, StrUtils;
TURL = record
Scheme: string;
User: string;
Password: string;
Host: string;
Port: string;
Path: string;
Query: string;
Fragment: string;
function ParseURL(const URL: string): TURL;
SchemeDelimiter, UserInfoDelimiter, HostPortDelimiter, PathDelimiter,
QueryDelimiter, FragmentDelimiter: Integer;
// Initialize result
Result := Default(TURL);
// Find scheme
SchemeDelimiter := Pos('://', URL);
if SchemeDelimiter > 0 then
Result.Scheme := Copy(URL, 1, SchemeDelimiter - 1);
SchemeDelimiter := SchemeDelimiter + 3;
SchemeDelimiter := 1;
// Find user info
UserInfoDelimiter := PosEx('@', URL, SchemeDelimiter);
if UserInfoDelimiter > 0 then
Result.User := Copy(URL, SchemeDelimiter, UserInfoDelimiter - SchemeDelimiter);
HostPortDelimiter := UserInfoDelimiter + 1;
// Split user and password
UserInfoDelimiter := Pos(':', Result.User);
if UserInfoDelimiter > 0 then
Result.Password := Copy(Result.User, UserInfoDelimiter + 1, Length(Result.User));
Result.User := Copy(Result.User, 1, UserInfoDelimiter - 1);
HostPortDelimiter := SchemeDelimiter;
// Find path
PathDelimiter := PosEx('/', URL, HostPortDelimiter);
if PathDelimiter = 0 then
PathDelimiter := Length(URL) + 1;
// Extract host and port
Result.Host := Copy(URL, HostPortDelimiter, PathDelimiter - HostPortDelimiter);
HostPortDelimiter := Pos(':', Result.Host);
if HostPortDelimiter > 0 then
Result.Port := Copy(Result.Host, HostPortDelimiter + 1, Length(Result.Host));
Result.Host := Copy(Result.Host, 1, HostPortDelimiter - 1);
// Find query
QueryDelimiter := PosEx('?', URL, PathDelimiter);
if QueryDelimiter = 0 then
QueryDelimiter := Length(URL) + 1;
// Extract path
Result.Path := Copy(URL, PathDelimiter, QueryDelimiter - PathDelimiter);
// Find fragment
FragmentDelimiter := PosEx('#', URL, QueryDelimiter);
if FragmentDelimiter = 0 then
FragmentDelimiter := Length(URL) + 1;
// Extract query
Result.Query := Copy(URL, QueryDelimiter + 1, FragmentDelimiter - QueryDelimiter - 1);
// Extract fragment
Result.Fragment := Copy(URL, FragmentDelimiter + 1, Length(URL));
URL: string;
ParsedURL: TURL;
// We'll parse this example URL, which includes a
// scheme, authentication info, host, port, path,
// query params, and query fragment.
URL := 'postgres://user:pass@host.com:5432/path?k=v#f';
// Parse the URL
ParsedURL := ParseURL(URL);
// Output the parsed components
WriteLn('Scheme: ', ParsedURL.Scheme);
WriteLn('User: ', ParsedURL.User);
WriteLn('Password: ', ParsedURL.Password);
WriteLn('Host: ', ParsedURL.Host);
WriteLn('Port: ', ParsedURL.Port);
WriteLn('Path: ', ParsedURL.Path);
WriteLn('Query: ', ParsedURL.Query);
WriteLn('Fragment: ', ParsedURL.Fragment);
This Pascal program demonstrates URL parsing. Here’s a breakdown of what it does:
We define a
record to hold the different components of a URL.The
function takes a URL string and breaks it down into its components, returning aTURL
record.In the main program, we use an example URL that includes various components: scheme, authentication info, host, port, path, query params, and fragment.
We call
to parse our example URL.Finally, we print out each component of the parsed URL.
To run this program, you would typically save it as a .pas
file (e.g., urlparsing.pas
) and compile it with a Pascal compiler like Free Pascal:
$ fpc urlparsing.pas
$ ./urlparsing
The output would show each component of the parsed URL:
Scheme: postgres
User: user
Password: pass
Host: host.com
Port: 5432
Path: /path
Query: k=v
Fragment: f
This example demonstrates how to handle URL parsing in Pascal. While Pascal doesn’t have built-in URL parsing libraries like some modern languages, we can implement the functionality ourselves using string manipulation techniques.