Title here
Summary here
Our first program demonstrates how to work with maps in the target language, Perl. Here’s the full source code.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
# To create an empty hash, just use empty parentheses.
my %m = ();
# Set key/value pairs using typical hash syntax.
$m{"k1"} = 7;
$m{"k2"} = 13;
# Printing a hash with Dumper will show all of its key/value pairs.
print "map: ", Dumper(\%m);
# Get a value for a key with $hash{key} syntax.
my $v1 = $m{"k1"};
print "v1: $v1\n";
# If the key doesn’t exist, the default value returned is undef.
my $v3 = $m{"k3"};
print "v3: ", defined $v3 ? $v3 : "undef", "\n";
# The keys function returns the number of key/value pairs.
my $len = keys %m;
print "len: $len\n";
# The delete function removes key/value pairs from a hash.
delete $m{"k2"};
print "map: ", Dumper(\%m);
# To remove all key/value pairs from a hash, simply undefine it.
%m = ();
print "map: ", Dumper(\%m);
# Checking if a key exists in the hash.
my $prs = exists $m{"k2"};
print "prs: ", $prs ? "true" : "false", "\n";
# Declare and initialize a new hash with this syntax.
my %n = (
"foo" => 1,
"bar" => 2,
print "map: ", Dumper(\%n);
# Compare two hashes using a custom function.
sub hashes_equal {
my ($a, $b) = @_;
return 0 unless keys %$a == keys %$b;
foreach my $key (keys %$a) {
return 0 unless exists $b->{$key} && $a->{$key} == $b->{$key};
return 1;
my %n2 = (
"foo" => 1,
"bar" => 2,
if (hashes_equal(\%n, \%n2)) {
print "n == n2\n";
To run the program, save the code in a file with a .pl
extension and execute it using the Perl interpreter.
$ perl maps.pl
map: $VAR1 = {
'k1' => 7,
'k2' => 13
v1: 7
v3: undef
len: 2
map: $VAR1 = {
'k1' => 7
map: $VAR1 = {};
prs: false
map: $VAR1 = {
'bar' => 2,
'foo' => 1
n == n2
Note that maps (or hashes in Perl) appear in the form {k => v, k => v}
when printed with Data::Dumper
Now that we can run and build basic Perl scripts, let’s learn more about the language.