Non Blocking Channel Operations in Perl

In Perl, we can implement non-blocking channel operations using threads and shared variables. Here’s an example that demonstrates similar concepts:

use strict;
use warnings;
use threads;
use Thread::Queue;
use Time::HiRes qw(usleep);

my $messages = Thread::Queue->new();
my $signals = Thread::Queue->new();

sub main {
    # Here's a non-blocking receive. If a value is
    # available in $messages then it will be retrieved,
    # otherwise it will immediately print "no message received".
    if (defined(my $msg = $messages->dequeue_nb())) {
        print "received message $msg\n";
    } else {
        print "no message received\n";

    # A non-blocking send works similarly. Here $msg
    # is enqueued to the $messages queue, and it will
    # always succeed because Thread::Queue has no size limit.
    my $msg = "hi";
    if ($messages->enqueue_nb($msg)) {
        print "sent message $msg\n";
    } else {
        print "no message sent\n";

    # We can attempt non-blocking receives on both
    # $messages and $signals.
    if (defined(my $msg = $messages->dequeue_nb())) {
        print "received message $msg\n";
    } elsif (defined(my $sig = $signals->dequeue_nb())) {
        print "received signal $sig\n";
    } else {
        print "no activity\n";


This Perl script demonstrates concepts similar to non-blocking channel operations:

  1. We use Thread::Queue to create thread-safe queues that act similarly to channels.

  2. The dequeue_nb() method is used for non-blocking receives. If the queue is empty, it immediately returns undef.

  3. The enqueue_nb() method is used for non-blocking sends. In this implementation, it will always succeed because Thread::Queue doesn’t have a size limit.

  4. We use if-elsif-else constructs to mimic the behavior of a select statement with multiple cases and a default case.

When you run this script, you’ll see output similar to:

$ perl
no message received
sent message hi
received message hi

Note that the behavior might differ slightly from the Go version due to the differences in how Perl’s Thread::Queue and Go’s channels work. In particular, the send operation will always succeed in this Perl implementation, whereas in Go it might block if the channel is unbuffered or full.