Regular Expressions in Perl
Our program demonstrates common regular expression tasks in Perl. Here’s the full source code:
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
# This tests whether a pattern matches a string.
my $match = "peach" =~ /p([a-z]+)ch/;
say $match ? "true" : "false";
# We'll use this pattern for the following examples
my $pattern = qr/p([a-z]+)ch/;
# This is equivalent to the MatchString method in Go
say $pattern =~ /peach/ ? "true" : "false";
# This finds the match for the regexp.
if ("peach punch" =~ $pattern) {
say $&;
# This also finds the first match but returns the
# start and end indexes for the match instead of the
# matching text.
if ("peach punch" =~ $pattern) {
say "idx: [$-[0], $+[0]]";
# The capturing parentheses in the pattern allow us to extract
# submatches. This is similar to FindStringSubmatch in Go.
if ("peach punch" =~ $pattern) {
say "[$&, $1]";
# To get all matches (like FindAllString in Go), we use the /g flag
my @matches = "peach punch pinch" =~ /$pattern/g;
say "[" . join(", ", @matches) . "]";
# To limit the number of matches, we can use a loop
my @limited_matches;
while ("peach punch pinch" =~ /$pattern/g) {
push @limited_matches, $&;
last if @limited_matches == 2;
say "[" . join(", ", @limited_matches) . "]";
# Perl's regexes work on both strings and binary data by default
# When creating global variables with regular expressions,
# you can use the qr// operator to pre-compile the regex
my $r = qr/p([a-z]+)ch/;
say "regexp: $r";
# The s/// operator can be used to replace subsets of strings
my $replaced = "a peach";
$replaced =~ s/$r/<fruit>/;
say $replaced;
# We can also use a function to transform matched text
my $transformed = "a peach";
$transformed =~ s/$r/uc($&)/e;
say $transformed;
To run the program, save it as
and use perl
$ perl
idx: [0, 5]
[peach, ea]
[peach, punch, pinch]
[peach, punch]
regexp: (?^:p([a-z]+)ch)
a <fruit>
Perl has built-in support for regular expressions as a core language feature. Unlike Go, which uses a separate package for regex operations, Perl integrates regex syntax directly into the language.
The =~
operator is used for matching regexes against strings. The //
delimiters define a regex pattern. The /g
flag is used for global matching (finding all occurrences).
Perl uses special variables like $&
(the entire match), $1
, $2
, etc. (capturing groups), and $-[0]
, $+[0]
(start and end positions of the match) to provide information about matches.
The qr//
operator pre-compiles a regex for efficiency when it’s used multiple times.
The s///
operator is used for substitutions, similar to ReplaceAllString in Go. The /e
flag allows the replacement to be a Perl expression, which is evaluated for each match.
For a complete reference on Perl regular expressions, consult the official Perl documentation.