String Functions in Perl
The standard library’s string manipulation functions in Perl are built into the language itself. Here are some examples to give you a sense of string operations in Perl.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
# We'll use print for output
sub p { print "@_\n" }
# Here's a sample of the string operations available in Perl.
# Unlike in some other languages, these are mostly built-in
# operators or functions, not methods on string objects.
p "Contains: ", "test" =~ /es/ ? "true" : "false";
p "Count: ", () = "test" =~ /t/g;
p "HasPrefix: ", substr("test", 0, 2) eq "te" ? "true" : "false";
p "HasSuffix: ", substr("test", -2) eq "st" ? "true" : "false";
p "Index: ", index("test", "e");
p "Join: ", join("-", "a", "b");
p "Repeat: ", "a" x 5;
p "Replace: ", "foo" =~ s/o/0/gr;
p "Replace: ", "foo" =~ s/o/0/r;
p "Split: ", join(", ", split("-", "a-b-c-d-e"));
p "ToLower: ", lc("TEST");
p "ToUpper: ", uc("test");
When you run this program, you’ll get:
$ perl
Contains: true
Count: 2
HasPrefix: true
HasSuffix: true
Index: 1
Join: a-b
Repeat: aaaaa
Replace: f00
Replace: f0o
Split: a, b, c, d, e
ToLower: test
ToUpper: TEST
In Perl, many string operations are performed using built-in functions or operators. For example, pattern matching with regular expressions is deeply integrated into the language, which makes operations like “contains” very straightforward.
The =~
operator is used for pattern matching and substitution. The /g
flag in a regular expression makes it match globally (all occurrences).
Functions like substr()
, index()
, join()
, split()
, lc()
, and uc()
are built-in Perl functions for string manipulation.
The x
operator is used for string repetition in Perl.
Note that Perl’s string substitution (s///
) returns the number of substitutions by default. To get the modified string, we use the /r
flag, which returns the result of substitution.
These examples show how Perl provides powerful string manipulation capabilities with its built-in functions and operators.