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Here’s the Perl translation of the given code example:
Switch statements express conditionals across many branches.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::Piece;
# Here's a basic switch.
my $i = 2;
print "Write $i as ";
given ($i) {
when (1) { say "one"; }
when (2) { say "two"; }
when (3) { say "three"; }
# You can use commas to separate multiple expressions in the same case statement. We use the optional default case in this example as well.
my $weekday = localtime->wday;
given ($weekday) {
when (0) { say "It's the weekend"; }
when (6) { say "It's the weekend"; }
default { say "It's a weekday"; }
# Switch without an expression is an alternate way to express if/else logic. Here we also show how the case expressions can be non-constants.
my $hour = localtime->hour;
given () {
when ($hour < 12) { say "It's before noon"; }
default { say "It's after noon"; }
# A type switch compares types instead of values. You can use this to discover the type of an interface value. In this example, the variable $t will have the type corresponding to its clause.
sub whatAmI {
my $i = shift;
given (ref($i) || $i) {
when ('SCALAR') { say "I'm a scalar"; }
when ('ARRAY') { say "I'm an array"; }
when ('HASH') { say "I'm a hash"; }
when ('CODE') { say "I'm a code reference"; }
default { printf "Don't know type %s\n", ref($i) || $i; }
whatAmI({"key" => "value"});
To run the program, save the code in switch.pl
and use Perl to execute it.
$ perl switch.pl
Write 2 as two
It's a weekday
It's after noon
I'm a scalar
I'm an array
I'm a hash
In Perl, given-when
is a way to express switch-like logic, but remember that it’s an experimental feature and you need to use the feature
pragma. This method is very handy for cases where traditional if-else statements would be too verbose.