Variables in Perl

In Perl, variables are declared implicitly when they are first used. Unlike Go, Perl doesn’t require explicit type declarations.

use strict;
use warnings;

# Variables in Perl are declared with a sigil ($, @, or %)
# followed by the variable name.
my $a = "initial";
print "$a\n";

# You can declare multiple variables at once.
my ($b, $c) = (1, 2);
print "$b $c\n";

# Perl automatically infers the type of variables.
my $d = 1;  # This is a number
print "$d\n";

# Variables declared without initialization are undef.
my $e;
print defined $e ? $e : "undef", "\n";

# Perl doesn't have a specific shorthand for declaration and initialization.
# You always use 'my' for lexical variables.
my $f = "apple";
print "$f\n";

To run the program:

$ perl
1 2

In Perl:

  1. Variables are declared using the my keyword for lexical scope.
  2. Perl uses sigils to denote variable types: $ for scalars, @ for arrays, and % for hashes.
  3. Perl doesn’t require explicit type declarations; it infers types automatically.
  4. Uninitialized variables are undef in Perl, which is similar to Go’s zero values.
  5. Perl doesn’t have a shorthand syntax like Go’s :=. You always use my for declaring variables.

Perl’s dynamic typing and implicit declarations make it more flexible but less strict than Go in terms of variable handling.