Range Over Channels in PHP

In a previous example, we saw how foreach provides iteration over basic data structures. We can also use this syntax to iterate over values received from a generator function, which is similar to how channels work in some other languages.


// We'll iterate over 2 values in the `queue` generator.
function queue() {
    yield "one";
    yield "two";

// This `foreach` iterates over each element as it's
// received from `queue()`. The iteration terminates
// after receiving the 2 elements.
foreach (queue() as $elem) {
    echo $elem . "\n";

To run the program, save it as range-over-generator.php and use php:

$ php range-over-generator.php

This example demonstrates how we can use generators in PHP to create a sequence of values that can be iterated over. The yield keyword is used to define generator functions, which can be thought of as a way to create lazy iterators.

While PHP doesn’t have built-in channels like some other languages, generators provide a similar concept for producing a sequence of values that can be consumed on-demand. The foreach loop automatically handles the iteration over the generator, making it easy to process the yielded values.

This approach is memory-efficient for large datasets or when dealing with I/O operations, as it allows you to generate values one at a time instead of creating the entire sequence in memory at once.