String Formatting in PHP

String formatting in PHP offers various methods to format and manipulate strings. Let's explore some common string formatting tasks.


class Point {
    public $x, $y;
    public function __construct($x, $y) {
        $this->x = $x;
        $this->y = $y;

// Create an instance of our Point class
$p = new Point(1, 2);

// PHP offers several ways to format strings. One common method is using sprintf()
echo sprintf("struct1: %s\n", print_r($p, true));

// To include object properties, we can use json_encode()
echo sprintf("struct2: %s\n", json_encode($p));

// For a more detailed representation, we can use var_export()
echo sprintf("struct3: %s\n", var_export($p, true));

// To print the type of a value, use gettype()
echo sprintf("type: %s\n", gettype($p));

// Formatting booleans
echo sprintf("bool: %s\n", $true ? 'true' : 'false');

// Formatting integers
echo sprintf("int: %d\n", 123);

// PHP doesn't have a built-in binary format specifier, but we can use decbin()
echo sprintf("bin: %s\n", decbin(14));

// To print a character by its ASCII value
echo sprintf("char: %c\n", 33);

// Hexadecimal encoding
echo sprintf("hex: %x\n", 456);

// Formatting floats
echo sprintf("float1: %f\n", 78.9);

// Scientific notation
echo sprintf("float2: %e\n", 123400000.0);
echo sprintf("float3: %E\n", 123400000.0);

// Basic string printing
echo sprintf("str1: %s\n", '"string"');

// PHP doesn't have a built-in way to double-quote strings in output, but we can use addslashes()
echo sprintf("str2: \"%s\"\n", addslashes('"string"'));

// Hexadecimal representation of a string
echo sprintf("str3: %s\n", bin2hex("hex this"));

// PHP doesn't have a direct equivalent to Go's pointer printing, but we can print the object's hash
echo sprintf("pointer: %s\n", spl_object_hash($p));

// Controlling width for integers
echo sprintf("width1: |%6d|%6d|\n", 12, 345);

// Controlling width and precision for floats
echo sprintf("width2: |%6.2f|%6.2f|\n", 1.2, 3.45);

// Left-justifying floats
echo sprintf("width3: |%-6.2f|%-6.2f|\n", 1.2, 3.45);

// Controlling width for strings
echo sprintf("width4: |%6s|%6s|\n", "foo", "b");

// Left-justifying strings
echo sprintf("width5: |%-6s|%-6s|\n", "foo", "b");

// Using sprintf to return a formatted string
$s = sprintf("sprintf: a %s", "string");
echo $s . "\n";

// Writing to a different output stream
file_put_contents('php://stderr', sprintf("io: an %s\n", "error"));

This script demonstrates various string formatting techniques in PHP, including formatting for different data types, controlling width and precision, and writing to different output streams. While PHP doesn’t have an exact equivalent to Go’s fmt package, the sprintf function provides similar functionality for most use cases.

To run this PHP script, save it to a file (e.g., string_formatting.php) and execute it using the PHP interpreter:

$ php string_formatting.php

The output will show the results of the various string formatting operations performed in the script.