Channel Buffering in Prolog

In Prolog, we don’t have the concept of buffered channels as in Go. However, we can simulate a similar behavior using a list to store messages and predicates to send and receive messages. Here’s an example that demonstrates a similar concept:

:- use_module(library(lists)).

% Create an empty message queue
create_message_queue(Queue) :-
    Queue = [].

% Send a message to the queue
send_message(Message, Queue, NewQueue) :-
    append(Queue, [Message], NewQueue).

% Receive a message from the queue
receive_message(Message, [Message|Rest], Rest).

% Main predicate
main :-
    % Create an empty message queue
    % Send two messages to the queue
    send_message("buffered", Queue, Queue1),
    send_message("channel", Queue1, Queue2),
    % Receive and print the messages
    receive_message(Message1, Queue2, Queue3),
    receive_message(Message2, Queue3, _),

% Run the main predicate
:- main.

In this Prolog example, we simulate a buffered channel using a list. The create_message_queue/1 predicate initializes an empty list to represent our message queue.

The send_message/3 predicate appends a message to the end of the queue, similar to sending a message to a buffered channel. This operation can be done without a corresponding receive, mimicking the behavior of a buffered channel.

The receive_message/3 predicate removes and returns the first message from the queue, similar to receiving from a channel.

In the main/0 predicate, we:

  1. Create an empty message queue.
  2. Send two messages (“buffered” and “channel”) to the queue.
  3. Later, we receive these two values and print them.

To run this program, you would typically save it in a file (e.g., and then run it using a Prolog interpreter:

$ swipl -s

This example demonstrates a concept similar to buffered channels in Prolog, although it’s important to note that Prolog, being a logic programming language, handles concurrency and data flow quite differently from imperative languages.