Interfaces in Prolog

Interfaces in Prolog are typically implemented using predicates. We’ll use a similar structure to demonstrate the concept.

% Here's a basic interface for geometric shapes.
:- module(geometry, [area/2, perim/2]).

% For our example we'll implement this interface on
% rect and circle types.
:- module(rect, []).
:- module(circle, []).

% To implement an interface in Prolog, we just need to
% implement all the predicates in the interface. Here we
% implement geometry on rects.
rect:area(rect(Width, Height), Area) :-
    Area is Width * Height.

rect:perim(rect(Width, Height), Perim) :-
    Perim is 2 * Width + 2 * Height.

% The implementation for circles.
circle:area(circle(Radius), Area) :-
    Area is Pi * Radius * Radius.

circle:perim(circle(Radius), Perim) :-
    Perim is 2 * Pi * Radius.

% If a predicate has an interface type, then we can call
% predicates that are in the named interface. Here's a
% generic measure predicate taking advantage of this
% to work on any geometry.
measure(Shape) :-
    area(Shape, Area),
    perim(Shape, Perim),

% Main predicate to demonstrate usage
main :-
    R = rect(3, 4),
    C = circle(5),
    % The circle and rect types both
    % implement the geometry interface so we can use
    % instances of these types as arguments to measure.

% Helper predicate for pi

To run this Prolog program:

?- main.
rect(3, 4)

In Prolog, we use modules to group related predicates, which is similar to how interfaces group related methods in other languages. The geometry module defines the “interface” with area/2 and perim/2 predicates.

The rect and circle modules “implement” this interface by providing their own versions of these predicates. The measure/1 predicate demonstrates how we can use these implementations polymorphically.

Note that Prolog’s approach to polymorphism is quite different from object-oriented languages. It relies on predicate names and arities rather than explicit interface declarations. However, this example demonstrates a way to achieve similar functionality to interfaces in other languages.