Non Blocking Channel Operations in Prolog
Our program demonstrates non-blocking channel operations in Prolog. While Prolog doesn’t have built-in channels like Go, we can simulate similar behavior using Prolog’s message passing mechanism.
:- use_module(library(concurrent)).
main :-
thread_create(message_thread, _, []),
thread_create(signal_thread, _, []),
% Non-blocking receive
( thread_peek_message(message(Msg))
-> format('received message ~w~n', [Msg])
; format('no message received~n')
% Non-blocking send
Msg = 'hi',
( thread_send_message(message(Msg), [timeout(0)])
-> format('sent message ~w~n', [Msg])
; format('no message sent~n')
% Multi-way non-blocking select
( thread_peek_message(message(ReceivedMsg))
-> format('received message ~w~n', [ReceivedMsg])
; thread_peek_message(signal(Signal))
-> format('received signal ~w~n', [Signal])
; format('no activity~n')
message_thread :-
signal_thread :-
In this Prolog version:
We use the
library for thread-based concurrency.We create two threads:
, which simulate the channels in the original Go code.For non-blocking receive, we use
. If a message is available, it’s processed; otherwise, the program continues.For non-blocking send, we use
with a timeout of 0. This attempts to send a message immediately, failing if it can’t be sent right away.For the multi-way non-blocking select, we use a series of
calls in an if-then-else structure to check for different types of messages.
To run the program:
?- main.
no message received
no message sent
no activity
This Prolog implementation provides similar functionality to the original Go code, demonstrating non-blocking operations in a concurrent environment. However, it’s important to note that Prolog’s concurrency model is different from Go’s, and this example is a simplified simulation of the concepts.