Rate Limiting in Prolog

Here’s the translation of the Go rate limiting example to Prolog:

:- use_module(library(process)).
:- use_module(library(time)).

% Main predicate
main :-
    % Basic rate limiting
    % Bursty rate limiting

% Create initial requests
create_requests(Requests) :-
    findall(I, between(1, 5, I), Requests).

% Process requests with basic rate limiting
process_requests([Request|Rest]) :-
    format('request ~w ~w~n', [Request, Timestamp]),

% Create bursty requests
create_bursty_requests(Requests) :-
    findall(I, between(1, 5, I), Requests).

% Process requests with bursty rate limiting
process_bursty_requests(Requests) :-
    process_bursty_requests(Requests, BurstyLimiter).

process_bursty_requests([], _).
process_bursty_requests([Request|Rest], BurstyLimiter) :-
    format('request ~w ~w~n', [Request, Timestamp]),
    process_bursty_requests(Rest, BurstyLimiter).

% Create a bursty limiter
create_bursty_limiter(BurstyLimiter) :-
    fill_bursty_limiter(BurstyLimiter, 3),
    thread_create(replenish_bursty_limiter(BurstyLimiter), _, [detached(true)]).

% Fill the bursty limiter with initial tokens
fill_bursty_limiter(_, 0).
fill_bursty_limiter(BurstyLimiter, N) :-
    N > 0,
    thread_send_message(BurstyLimiter, token),
    N1 is N - 1,
    fill_bursty_limiter(BurstyLimiter, N1).

% Replenish the bursty limiter
replenish_bursty_limiter(BurstyLimiter) :-
    thread_send_message(BurstyLimiter, token),

% Consume a token from the bursty limiter
consume_token(BurstyLimiter) :-
    thread_get_message(BurstyLimiter, token).

% Run the program
:- main.

This Prolog code implements rate limiting using a similar approach to the original example. Here’s an explanation of the key components:

  1. We use the process and time libraries for handling processes and time-related operations.

  2. The main/0 predicate serves as the entry point, calling the basic and bursty rate limiting functions.

  3. For basic rate limiting, we use sleep/1 to introduce a 200ms delay between processing each request.

  4. For bursty rate limiting, we create a message queue (BurstyLimiter) to represent the token bucket.

  5. We use thread_create/3 to start a background thread that replenishes the token bucket every 200ms.

  6. The consume_token/1 predicate blocks until a token is available in the bucket.

  7. We use get_time/1 to get the current timestamp when processing requests.

To run this program, save it to a file (e.g., rate_limiting.pl) and execute it using a Prolog interpreter:

$ swipl -s rate_limiting.pl

The output will show the requests being processed with the specified rate limits. The first batch will be processed approximately every 200ms, while the second batch will show a burst of immediate processing for the first three requests, followed by rate-limited processing for the remaining two.

Note that Prolog’s concurrency model is different from Go’s, so this implementation uses Prolog’s thread and message passing mechanisms to achieve similar behavior.