Sorting in Prolog
Our example demonstrates sorting in Prolog. We’ll look at sorting for lists of different types.
% Main predicate to demonstrate sorting
main :-
% Sorting strings
Strs = ["c", "a", "b"],
msort(Strs, SortedStrs),
write('Strings: '), write(SortedStrs), nl,
% Sorting integers
Ints = [7, 2, 4],
msort(Ints, SortedInts),
write('Ints: '), write(SortedInts), nl,
% Checking if a list is sorted
is_sorted(SortedInts, IsSorted),
write('Sorted: '), write(IsSorted), nl.
% Predicate to check if a list is sorted
is_sorted([], true).
is_sorted([_], true).
is_sorted([X,Y|Rest], Result) :-
( X @=< Y
-> is_sorted([Y|Rest], Result)
; Result = false
In Prolog, we use the built-in msort/2
predicate to sort lists. This predicate works for both lists of atoms (strings) and numbers.
We define a main predicate that demonstrates sorting for both strings and integers. The msort/2
predicate is used to sort the lists.
To check if a list is sorted, we define a custom is_sorted/2
predicate. This predicate recursively checks if each element is less than or equal to the next one.
To run this program, you would typically save it in a file (e.g.,
) and then consult it in a Prolog interpreter:
?- [sorting].
?- main.
Strings: [a,b,c]
Ints: [2,4,7]
Sorted: true
Note that Prolog doesn’t have mutable variables or side effects like imperative languages. Instead, we use logical variables and unification to achieve our results. The write/1
and nl/0
predicates are used for output.
Prolog’s approach to sorting is declarative, focusing on the what (the sorted result) rather than the how (the sorting algorithm). The built-in msort/2
predicate handles the implementation details of the sorting algorithm.